
Meskhi Besarion Chohoevich
Rector of Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don, the chairman of the organizing committee of the international scientific-practical conference, Dr. Sc., professor.

Zinchenko Yuriy Petrovich
President of the Russian Academy of Education, the President of the Russian Psychological Society, co-chairman of the organizing committee of the international scientific-practical conference, Dr. Sc., professor.

Malikh Sergey Borisovich
Academician of the RAS, the Russian Academy of Education, Academician — Secretary of Psychology and Physiology department RAE, co-organizing committee of the international scientific-practical conference, Dr. Sc., professor.

Ermakov Pavel Nikolaevich
Vice President of RPO, the Russian Academy of education, scientific director of scientific and educational direction «Psychology, Pedagogics and Defectology» DSTU, co-chairman of the organizing committee of the international scientific-practical conference, Dr. Sc., professor.

Malofeev Nicholai Nikolaevich
Vice President of RAE, the Russian Academy of Education, Academician — Secretary of psychology and age physiology department, RAE, director of the «Correctional Pedagogics» Institute, RAE, co-chairman of the organizing committee of the international scientific-practical conference, Dr. Sc., professor.

Kvesitadze Georgiy Ivanovich
President of Georgian National Academy of Sciences, co-chairman of the organizing committee of the international scientific-practical conference, Dr. Sc., professor.

Beskopylniy Alexei Nikolayevich
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Training of highly qualified stuff, DSTU, Rostov-on-Don, Dr. Sc., professor.

Abakumova Irina Vladimirovna
the deputy chairman of the organizing committee, the dean of Psychology, Pedagogics and Defectology faculty, DSTU, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Rostov-on-Don, Dr. Sc., professor.

Vorobyeva Elena Viktorovna
Head of the Department «Psychophysiology and Clinical Psychology» DSTU, Dr. Sc., professor.

Kolesina Karina Yurievna
professor of the Department of English Philology SFU, Dr. Sc., professor.

​Ляпунцова Елена Вячеславовна —
доктор технических наук, профессор МГТУ им. Баумана, профессор МИСиС, доктор бизнес администрирования (DBA) Швейцария, коуч (ICF), эксперт Фонда Сколково, ведущий научный сотрудник ВШЭ; член Диссертационного совета РУДН-МГИМО;
Основатель и председатель Координационного совета организации «Лига Преподавателей Высшей Школы».